Basic books
Optical Networks by R. Ramaswami and K.N. Sivarajan
FIbre Optic Test and Measurement by D. Derickson
Complementary reading
Broadband Optical Access Networks and Fiber-to-the-Home: Systems,Technologies and Deployment Strategies by Chinlon Lin
Fibre to the Home, the new empowerment by Paul E. Green
Fibre Optics Technicians Manual by Jim Hayes
WDM Technologies: Optical Networks by Achyut K. Dutta
FTTX Concepts and Applications by Gerd Keiser
Fibre Network Service Survivability by Tsong-Ho Wu
Survivable Optical WDM Networks by Canhui Ou
Troubleshooting Optical-Fiber Networks: understanding and using your optical time-domain reflectometer by Duwayne R. Anderson, Larry Johnson and Florian G. Bell